Body exploration

Copied from TN:

From a conversation...

have you tried all body gentle exploration and touching with a nudist? its a neat experience

wow i never ...tell me a little bit about it

you get together with a nudist friend, find a comfortable place, and take turns gently exploring the entire body with touch, close up looking and viewing, gentle massage, very and kind, very nurturing and loving the nature of the nude body from head to toe

what happen if guys getting an erection ?

that's ok, continue gentle touching including the erection

it really wonderful! human uninhibited touch! gentle exploring including body kissing, hugging, and usually some anal with fingers

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Body exploration

If you need an IN - offer to apply sun tan oil. It's a chance to gently massage every part of the body. And if a certain part grows as you massage, just add some extra oil and rub it in well.

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  • 5 years ago