Looking for kinky sexual activities
We are life time nudists and have always found swinger couples at nudist resorts. We go to a great one in Palm Springs, Ca, Desert Sun , where it is adult only and we find at least 50% swingers. We have me and parties places in the area. many couples from Salt Lake and in the last 5 years, at least 8 couples have swung with us. We have yet to go to Utah to these couples homes but see them at least 4 or 5 times a year. A few have been introduced to each other by ourselves but most say nothing in Utah as organized. Oct to June we meet these couples for weekends in Palm Springs and some come to our home in Los Angeles where we take them to many swinger clubs as well. There are a few in Palm Springs and San Bernadino whee they all like going on a Sat night or Sunday too. Feel free to contact us for specific clubs.