driving nude
Definitely into driving butt naked just a cap and flip flops i live in Vermont so when its warm I take any opportunity to shed the clothes one time I was driving up the interstate smoking a blunt and got a huge hardon of course i find I am tailed by a state trooper. Vermont has very liberal but complex nudity laws. I was a prof at a college for several years. I pulled into a rest area and put out the joint it was hot outside and all the windows were down and the sunroof was open. I reached for my registration and my wallet when the trooper stops and bends down so he can talk to me and then he flashes a grin and says well hello professor enjoying the weather? He had been a student of mine two years prior to this encounter. I was delighted to see him and he laughed like a fool then he looked down on my equipment and said well now I dont have to go to France to see the Eiffel Tower. You get an A for that remark, I replied. Then he told me to watch the weed and stay naked. Great guy!