bi or gay???
so dificcult to define myself in a close ctategory but i prefer men to women when we come to sez
- 8 years ago
I'm Bi. I like women but lately all of my sex has been with men. I'm not into anal, just hand and blowjobs.
- 6 years ago
I suppose i consider myself bi due to im married to a beautiful woman and love sex with her, but i sooo enjoy sex with men too. I love sucking a cock snd having it grow to its biggest in my mouth. I also enjoy licking i would say bi-sexual if there needs to be a label.
- 6 years ago
so dificcult to define myself in a close ctategory but i prefer men to women when we come to sez
I don't worry about it. If you feel more bi than me or str8 mostly I don't mind it's all about pleasure and bonding
- 5 years ago
Do you or we really need to define ourselves and be put in pigeon holes. It's not a big deal at the end of the day. We like who or what we like in varying degrees. Just relax and enjoy what we like.
- 5 years ago
Do you or we really need to define ourselves and be put in pigeon holes.
Yes I think we do. There are straight people who object to men who like sex with other men. And there are gay men who don't like the notion of men liking sex with women. I think Bi men are the most flexible and, by calling myself Bi, I meet like minded people.
- 5 years ago
so dificcult to define myself in a close ctategory but i prefer men to women when we come to sez
When you have sex with men, it's gay sex. When you have sex with women, it's straight sex, if you have had both over any period of your life, that qualifies you as bisexual. But neither gay nor bi commits you to anything or says that you have to sleep with a woman to stay bi or a man only to be gay. I am technically bi, feel the same way, but I choose gay because I fought for my rights and those of others, against riot cops and institutions and a lot of bullshit, so as long as it's still the least acceptable of gay, bi straight and there's still lots of homophobia around, I will catch that and bounce it so somsone else doesn't have to feel the stigmatization. See, I didn't define myself, I defined why I use a word instead of another but it's political and personal for me. I think at your age (grown, matured, experienced and having that wisdom and deserving of that respect) you don't have to answer to anyone but you. I certainly feel that way now myself at 51. I also think why not just enjoy yourself as much as possible and if anyone needs to know how you self define they can figure it out themselves. What's important to know is that wanting sex with men, enjoying it more all of that is totally ok, totally good and you can enjoy it and feel no confusion about it, you know how it feels and who it is with and for and thats what matters.
- 2 years ago
Love your statement, life is way too short not to enjoy everything.
- 2 years ago