Yes I find it a turn on to use those words while chatting to someone too. Not sure why but it is very erotic...
- 8 years ago
Yes I find it a turn on to use those words while chatting to someone too. Not sure why but it is very erotic...
- 8 years ago
Yes. I love this word. It is a serious erotic trigger for me. I love the topic of penises and sharing with other guys. Favourite word.
- 7 years ago
me too. penis talk is amazing. penis is amazing. into sharing that penis love always. glad you get off on it too. the right words are hottest . i wpuld love to see your penis in the flesh to give it praise. Every penis deserves it.
- 7 years ago
great attitude i feel the same my interests are rarely more necessary than pleasing him. when both men are this way...its amazing sex
- 7 years ago
I just enjoy feeling a man's penis grow and harden in my hand. It's a sign of fun to cum.
- 7 years ago
I love hearing and using the word, just hearing the word gets me hard, like anus too
- 7 years ago
Penis is a beautiful word...
- 7 years ago
As the saying goes:
"You can't say "HAPPINESS" without saying "PENIS'!
- 7 years ago