Less censoring on this site
I love the more relaxed atmosphere on this TS site, compared to TN. There is less censoring on this site. Just today, I saw a post on the TN site saying that a certain post doesn't belong on that site and that post should instead be on this TS site. I didn't believe that the post was that lewd. I have a "live and let live" sentiment about which site to post on. I have never seen any post on this TS site saying that the post should have been on the other site. Yes, pure nudism is non-sexual, but some TN people get self-righteous about that.
- 9 years ago
This site gives us the chance to show and say things not allowed in other sites
- 9 years ago
Can I reply as a single, male,old, out of shape, unattractive
nudist? If I took what you say above at face value I'd wonder why
you even want to be on this (TS) website, or TrueNudists (TN). But
I know there is more to you than that. OK so many of us don't live
up to your standards. Yes the number hare on TS is about 10% of
those on TN. And some of the other 90% mightbe promiscuous
like yourselves. Nobody would deny that nudists have sex like
everyone else. I have met quite a few nudists face to face and most
are faithful to their partners and have their sex in private.
TN set up this site to allow us to discuss sexual matters - all
sexual matters not just swinging. That was so as not to offend the
Naturists who strive to overcome the public confusion between
nudity and sex by avoiding any sexual discussion.
- 9 years ago
That was very well stated HarleyCouple! That has been my experience as well on both sites. It is very tough being a divorced man, and you never seem to get a chance. If you ever even bring up the subject of sex or focus on your penis on cam at TN you get banned...very strange for a site that is supposed to be celebrating the human body in all forms
Well Olly Grumps,Apparently, there is someone that happens to agree, with our own opinions.We all have opinions, Likes and Dislikes, we were just expressing ours, as you have done yourself.Forums are here for us to express our views, whether or not, any of us happen to agree or disagree.Whether the Truth, as seen by us, strikes a nerve with anyone else, that is for them to deal with.This site Olly Grump is a SWINGERS site and SWINGING Is ONLY about SEX and everything to do with SEX.That is what SWINGING is!You state that this site was set up, as a means for the Nudists to express their views on SEX? LOLAS if..any of those Nudists have SEX amongst themselves or with anyone else?After all, SEX and Nudity have NO Place being mentioned or been thought about, in the same breath.Olly Grumpthis is a SWINGERS site.where people who LOVE to explore Sexual Fun with other like minded people.If the Nudists are wanting to ever discuss Sex, they have their own section to do so, on their own Forum.Nudists are Nudists and Swingers are Swingers, and in a True Nudists eyes, they have all had their Balls and Cocks cut off and their Pussies and their eyes stitched and Glued SHUT!I really have to question what you are doing over in True Swingers, if you actually think any different?SWINGING is ONLY about SEX..with others.That is what SWINGING is!Hey, we do realize that not everyone can not be Body Beautiful, and with age, it becomes a struggle for most.But we just find it rather disgusting, to say the least, that the Majority of so called Nudists, just let themselves goand have not one once of Self Pride, in how they presenter themselves to others around them.You would just assume, that anyone who Loves to be Naked in the presence of others, would at least, take care of themselves, while living a Healthy FIT Lifestyle?Is it any wonder that SEX, and being Sexy and looking attractive for others, is not a Big Deal for the Majority of Nudists out there..as most of them, should never be seen, Naked .even in the Dark.Whether a person is a Nudist or a Textile, taking some Pride in ones own appearance, should be something that everyone should strive for.Being a FAT SLOB, and displaying that in the presence of others, is a great way, to make some one loose their Lunch, while being at a Nude resort.Some people, should just not be Naked in a Public arenajust out of respect for the others.These FAT SLOBS feel as if they have the RIGHT, to make any one Puke at any given time.Well..I guess that in this PC world, they do have that right.Just as we, have the right..to voice our Opinions about it.We are on the True Nudists sitebecause we LOVE the SUN and we LOVE being Naked 24 - 7 when ever that is possible.We are not on True Nudists to meet other Sexy Couples or Sexy Singles or any other Sexy Swingers.We are on True Nudist because we LOVE the SUN and we are always looking for information on any Nude Resorts or on any Nude Beaches where we might want to check out and visit.We are on True Swingers because we LOVE to FUCK and we LOVE to Play with other Sexy Couples and other Sexy Singles.This is not a TRUE GAY Site .this is a True SWINGERS site.That is WHY.we are on herewe are always hoping to meet other TRUE SWINGERS and to here about any Sexy places that we might want to check out and play at.I would have to ask YOU..WHYbeing that you are SINGLE.WHY are you on True SWINGERStelling us..how the world should be, while commenting on our own Very Factual and Truthful views and opinions?We are actually TRUE SWINGERS, and we do Play on every weekend that we have, either at the various Swingers Clubs that we are members of or we Play at Home, while Hosting our own Naughty Sexy Parties.We happen to also think, that we qualify for being True Nudists, as we are naked 24 - 7, or as much as we can be, when ever possible.We LOVE BAKING in the Sun, for hours and hours on end, either by our own Pool at home, or at our own Local Nude Beach, or while we are away on one of our well deserved Holidays to the Sun.Butwith what ever Title people want to put on themselves..we LOVE SEX and everything to do with HOT NAUGHTY SEX!Whether we are dressed as Sexy Textiles or we are Naked as Sexy Swingers who happen to be NUDE.SEX is our Number One Sport and our Number One Recreational activity that we LOVE to do.as MUCH as Possible, and on EVERY weekend that we have.We also Play during our busy work week, as one of our Clubs, Hosts a Mid Week Wednesday Night Play Party, as a means to break up the Boring work week.So.Olly Grump, that is WHY.we are on True Swingers and why we are on True Nudist!We Simply LOVE the SUN and we LOVE to FUCK, as much as Possible.How about YOUWHYare you on here and on True Nudist?What qualifies YOU, as being an Expert on, or for being the Voice of Reason, on either of these Two Topics?SWINGING is ONLY about SEX with other like minded Sexy Couples and other Sexy Singles.This is a SWINGERS site!I would think that would qualify as being True Swingers?
- 9 years ago