I think we all love to edge, just some of us can go longer than others, but yea, love stroking to bi porn and getting my cock the biggest and hardest it can get and when ready to let loose, I'll plaster the ceiling. My best is 14 wonderful hours of stroking to my favorite porn! Only wish I had company!
I never understood these men that always masturbate for a quick release. If you only have 15 minutes before the wifey gets home OK I get it, but if you aren't expecting company and you have no appointments, then stroking for hours and hours is so satisfying. I'll sometimes stroke for two days straight. For me cumming is just the finish line. I am ready to start back up again 30 minutes later.
Oh man you sound like me. Same thing. Did it the other day. Needed a quick cum and the wife hit Publix. Threw on some porn and had a 20 minute session. But the real fun is when you have all day to do nothing but enjoy the thrill of edging. We all know how hot we get when we reach that plateau but don't cross it. Only to relax a shade and enjoy the travel of getting to that height again and again and again and all fucking day long! I think we all know what I'm talking about. We get so in the groove that even after we splash our own faces, we are ready for more in 30 minutes or so. (less if the porn is good). We are the true hard nose strokers, that love cumming here and watching other cock lovers stroke right along with us. How many are out there? Are you one? Edging....one of lifes last pleasures and #1 with me.