RE:Shaking penis greeting

This is a message I am sending to all my friends to make an issue right that has been wrong for a long time. If you feel the same way then send it to your friends and start making things right locally. Soon you will find other groups and towns doing the same. The change starts with you. Enjoy it. The person who started this message is heterosexual.Why do people bother with shaking hands? Why not shake penises instead? Shaking hands dose nothing for anyone. Shaking each others penis makes us feel better. If we are to spend the time and effort into greeting each other then lets shake penises instead of shaking hands. Shaking penises is a better way of showing your appreciation. The more you show your appreciation the more you will appreciate it. Everyone masturbates, male, female, young and old. Acording to most religions there is nothing wrong with masturbation. All males like sex. This is what all males have in common. As a heterosexual you can't deny that shaking penises makes more sence than shaking hands and would make you feel better. If a lady was to shake your penis you would love it and sometimes they do. We welcome the ladies! The same gose for guys shaking each others penis. It dosen't mean wheter you are gay or not. It just confirms and reconizes the fact that all male like sex. It would be a more manly thing to do than shaking hands.For those who have health conserns, you take a risk when you shake hands. Wheter you shake hands or penises the regular use of baby wipes will help. Wash hands use sanitzers as needed. Taking showers regularly is always nessecary anyway.Leave your zipper down as an indication that you rather shake penises instead of shaking hands. Shaking penises in public should not offend anyone when the penis is reconized as just another part of the body, just like the face or hand. When people stay in there right minds, there is nothing wrong with exposing any part of the body, male or female regardless of age.

What a load of rubbish!

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RE:Shaking penis greeting

Now when I was younger my friend and I would shake each other's pen is es when we were home alone or deep in the woods as a greeting. Three shakes up and down and always start going up first. Going down first meant trouble.

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RE:Shaking penis greeting

I have always felt that shaking each other penis would mean its a special greeting and thats what we all need.... being something special and yet not sexual in any way .... be honored to shake any ones penis and wife do same... be a lot better world and every one look forward to greeting others the same way ....Hey just rub the womens pubic area be same as penis shake greetings to and no one offended or jealousy with others rubing your wife ... hey she migh like it to

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RE:Shaking penis greeting

cupping balls in one hand shaking penis in other is just what a special greeting would be.

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