An evening with nudist friends.

This was not the first time wed hung out at Bill and Abbys place. We had met them a year earlier at a non-landed event; and my wife and Abby instantly connected. They shared a similar quirky sense of humor. Wed then made a pact to hang out together as much as possible.
This visit was a bit different. We werent going to stay with them for just one day; but for an entire 3-day weekend. We packed up Friday afternoon, and arrived at their place later that evening. They were both already naked, as usual; my wife and I tossed our clothes as soon as we walked through the door, hugged, and proceeded to have dinner (Abbys cooking) and wine. The following course of events would completely change our relationship.

It all starts very innocently. Weve finished dinner and are now just hanging out, drinking wine. Weve all had a few; but not to the point of being drunk. My wife is chatting with Abby, looking at her naked body; and compliments her on her fitness (Abby is rather slim with firm breasts), while bemoaning her own weight gain (which is not as much as she thinks). Bill, who is sitting on one of the two couches in the living room theyre set in an L shape, separated by an end table), decides to compliment my wife by telling her that she has a nice round ass; and should be proud of it.
In the nudist world, nudist etiquette prohibits making comments about body parts; but were among friends. My wife not only takes the compliment very well; but she walks up to him, turns around, and flirtatiously bends slightly and shakes her butt in front of him. He responds by giving her a friendly slap on the ass. My wife giggles, and shakes her ass even more. He then gives her a stronger slap on the ass, and grabs a cheek. She then turns around, laughing mischievously, and hops on his lap. Im not thinking much about it at this point because my wife is very touchy-feely and physically affectionate with friends; even while naked. But then she does something that is usually reserved for me. She sits up and gives him a boob hug, grabbing the back of his head and pulling it between her two big tits. Smothering his face. I know shes just having fun; but now his hands are on her tits, pulling them apart so he can breathe. She sits back down, on his crotch; and shes still hugging him, while he has one hand on her ass and the other on her tit. Shes laughing, wriggling and bouncing around.
And thats when Bills facial expression changes from excited to grimacing. As his body starts to convulse like hes having a seizure, my wife suddenly jumps up with a shocked expression on her face. And I see Bills erect penis dripping with cum. Some of it is on my wifes ass; and she looks back stupefied, and in disbelief that she has jizz dripping down her ass

During the time when my wife had started shaking her ass in front of Bill; Abby, who had been sitting on the second couch next to me, had cozied up by leaning against me. So Id put my right arm around her shoulder; in a friendly, comforting way. When my wife gave Bill the boob hug, Abby had turned slightly to watch the event unfold. She seemed mostly curious and amused. With my arm around her shoulder, I did think about reaching down and grabbing her tit as Bill grabbed my wifes; but I stopped at the last second and only brushed over her nipple. That didnt seem to bother her; but I didnt want to risk offending her. When she later realized Bill had came, she tensed up for a second. We were both in shock; and I didnt know what to do then about her body being pressed against mine.

So my wife has jumped up; and is now apologizing: OMGIm SO sorry! An embarrassed Bill starts to get up; but my wife intercepts him: Dont move, pleaseIll take care of that! And she runs into the kitchen. Abby then looks at her BF; and I figure shes going to be pissedbut she starts giggling! Bill returns an embarrassed giggle; which then causes Abby to break out into uproarious laughter. Its not a embarrassed laughter; but a clearly naughty laughter! My wife then runs back out with a wet cloth. And unwittingly proceeds to lift Bills now-limp cock with one hand while wiping his balls and glans! I cant believe she would be so absent-minded as to actually hold his cock in her hand. But Abby is clearly amused; and breaks into a second round of laughter!
At that point, I dont know what to do. Im processing the fact that Bill has just jizzed on my wife, shes now bent over cleaning his cock and balls; and Abbys naked body is pressed against mine. And Im getting hot. My wife leaves once again and disappears in the kitchen with a cum filled rag in her hand. And then a thought comes to my mind: What do we do now? Abby must have read my mind, as she grabs my hand resting on her shoulder and pulls my arm down. Almost unconsciously, I bring my left hand down to her naveland tickle her. Ive always known Abby to be very ticklish, and I figure that will defuse the situation somewhat.
And Im totally wrong. Abby starts laughing again and her body is wriggling against mine. I turn my body towards her; her entire back is against me, and I place my other hand on her upper chest while I still tickle her navel with my right hand. She grabs that hand, pulls it down; and in doing so I end up with her tit in my hand. Its not as big as my wifes; but she has a longer, harder nipple. Shes laughing so hard she throws her body back, causing me to fall backwards on the couch. She now has me pinned down, legs wide open; while she is jerking around in my arms, with her leg flying open. And I realize: Shes doing this on purpose. And thats when my wife comes out of the kitchen. She sees whats happening, and exclaims: Ticklefest!! And she hops on the couch, and proceeds to start tickling Abbys sides! After all this, why is my wife doing this? And Im thinking its her weird way of distracting everyone from her embarrassment at the fact that she just made Bill come.

But it gets worse. Abbys naked back is pressed against my chest, my hands are all over her body, rubbing her tits up and down while she hold my hands; while my wife is now bent over her tickling her sides and belly. I can only imagine what Bill is seeing: my wifes ass and pussy from behind as she is bent over Abby; and Abbys legs flailing around under her. And I get hard. And it gets worse; because my wifes tickling has caused Abby to slide up. And I feel something slimy rubbing against my shaft, causing my foreskin to retract. And I realize its Abbys pussy rubbing against erect penis. And if she slides up just one more inch, her vulva will be right on top of my exposed glans. I feel its gone far enough at that point; I have to get myself out of that situation. But Im pinned down. So I reach around Abby and grab my wifes tits. And I squeeze them hard. That causes my wife to sit back up; and as she looks down she understands why I did it. My penis is bumping against Abbys clit. Now I just have to get Abby off me. So I jerk my body sideways; which causes Abby to start falling off the couch. I grab one of legs and pull her up so she doesnt fall. And as her legs spread wide open, I see that her pussy is soaking wet and her vulva is open. And shes still laughing her ass off! I finally get to stand up; and my dick is throbbing. So I head straight to the bathroom; and after just three strokes I cum in the sink. As I rinse my jizz down the drain, I am completely besides myself.
After I come out of the bathroom, my wife asks me if Im ok. I want to ask her: WTF do you mean Im ok?! Except for you we all came tonight!! And you started that mess!! But I know that wouldnt be helpful, so I just reply Im good. Things suddenly get quiet. Bill just gets up and says hes ready for bed; and without any ado, we all just head to our respective bedrooms. I get in the bed and fall asleep almost instantly.

The next morning, I wake up before my wife and head naked downstairs. Abby is also naked doing dishes; Bill in the backyard fixing something. Abby barely says a word. My wife comes down; and also barely says a word. Bill comes in; and hes being quiet too. I dont think we can sweep this under the carpet; so I decide to break the ice. I think we should talk about last night. My wife says: I just think it was fun; although Im sorry if I caused any embarrassment. Bill giggles and with a brush of the hand just says: Nahits ok. And Abby just adds slyly: And I think I almost came! We all laugh; and we start discussing the future of our friendship. We cant turn back the clock; weve broken a nudist taboo and our relationship is now changed. But it doesnt have to be scary; and we dont have to take it further. My wife says: I actually really enjoy physical contact; caresses make me feel good. I look at her a bit stunned; but the way she says it makes me smile. Bill retorts: And I always enjoy touching you! You do have great tits and a beautiful round ass! And we all laugh. I then chime in, relieved: I think were on the same page here! Although if were handsy at the resort theyll all thing were swingers. Bill confirms Definitely we have to be careful at the resort. The women acquiesce.

Between the four of us, Abby was always more reserved. But I think she was waiting for a situation like this to cut loose. She suddenly says: I once did a group massage at the resort. I loved it; but parts were off-limits. Ive always wondered what it would be like to not have these limitations I instantly reply: Weve got a couple of hours before we head to the resort. Full body massage? Abby jumps up laughing to grab a comforter from the closet; and lays it on the ground before lying face first. Bill runs upstairs to grab some massage oils. My wife then winks at me, kneels behind Abby and grab her ankles, pulling them apart just a bit, revealing Abbys asshole and pussy. Bill runs back down, and proposes my wife massages Abbys back. My wife then climbs on top of Abby and proceeds to massage her back and hips. The vibe is different now; theres no fear, just excitement. My wife straddles Abby and bends over to massage her back. Her asshole and pussy is now also completely exposed on top of Abbys. I cant wait to massage Abby; so I sit next to her left side and place my hands around her butt and upper inner thigh. Bill does the same on her other side, which spreads her ass open even more and opens her vulva. I look over at Bill, who is clearly enjoying seen both women completely exposed right in front of our faces; and I think to myself: Were never going to make it to the resort today!

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  • 5 months ago
RE:An evening with nudist friends.

Oh what a great start to the weekend
Dont worry about not going to the resort ! You are going to have so much fun

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  • 5 months ago
RE:An evening with nudist friends.

You guys can forget the resort! You are about to change from nudists to swingers. This could have happened last night when the cum could have been cleaned up another way. Instead it was delayed to the next day. But who is not to say there is not a swinger part to the resort too?!? Let me know if you want some ideas.

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  • 4 months ago