Did it hurt to get in? Ive never had a cock in my ass but think about it often
If you've never been fucked then you can expect that it will hurt a little. For a first experience I would not recommend a very large cock, especially if it's fat. I played a little with inserting "objects" to get familiar with the feeling. So when a guy I liked slid it in my well lubed ass the first time, it felt weird but good. Dildos are nice but a totally different from being fucked by a man. Once you're used to it, and like the feeling on your prostate and just the general feeling of being penetrated as part of mutually pleasurable sex, it's easy to get used to longer, thicker, thinner, shorter and any other guy. I totally agree with the above post that compares guys that were great and not so great, unrelated to the size of their dick.
- a year ago
Well I have a medium one for you if that helps
- a year ago
Well I have a medium one for you if that helps
To bad you're not closer or, I might take you up on that.
- a year ago
I prefer 7 to 8 inches, as long as it is not to thick. Just can't get my ass to stretch that far without tearing. But definitely give me a hard fucking. Make me your bitch
- a year ago
My first was just the right size for taking my cherry. He was about 8 inches long but thinner with a very nice head. He took his time and made it extremely pleasing for me. As I had more experience, Ive had bigger ones, butt I prefer smaller longer to really please my prostrate. Biiig ones dont work for me. Just my two cents!
- a year ago
well small is fine and I did enjoy the last small one.
Really big can pose a problem
- 10 months ago
if I had a choice I would like a penis with a big head. That is an experience I am looking forward to -- bottoms up
- 10 months ago
good morning. I also like it all I have had small and large
- 9 months ago
well here are a few.
- 9 months ago