bush lovers

Bush Rubbing

Love the feel of rubbing my cockhead and shaft through a ladies nice full bush. Feeling the softness of her hair and that aroused sensation when you can feel her mound swelling from the erotic stimulation...After sliding inside and getting a whole...

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I devloped my Pussy Bush for the first time

Hello Guys , Though I have always been lill sceptical to hide my pussy under the bushes but during lockdown I gave a new try .It feels good to touch your pussy hairs in winter because it gives you and your partner a warmth feeling .Hubby has started...


mmmmm I so much love to see a Natural Hairy Pussy maybe because of my age when I was a boy all pussies were hairy so it brings back memories my favorites are Black hair or Ginger minge, so if anyone wants to share with me send me pics mmmmmm, By the...

Like to See Monitor / Cum Tribute Photos in...

Like to See Monitor / Cum Tribute Photos. You need to take photos of your masturbation and cumm by seeing my pic on your computer screen and you will take pics of your masturbation and cum and send in our email. In your pics you need to show my...

100 hairs to me is not a bushy pussy. Go...

I like jungle bushes. I don't want to be able to see any of the vulva. I love watching my cock dissapper into hair and find that beautiful wet smooth hole.


my wife ve hairy pussy too , is beatifull ,i like see bush on cam and show too.nuxhib on skype

New here

Hi everyone, I'm new here, just recently joined this site and found this group - great to find a group of people who actually appreciate some hair. Bellahttps://www.facebook.com/lil.miss.bellaa https://www.facebook.com/groups/hirsutelovers/

My lady garden

I love my lady garden keeps me warm in winter love running my fingers through it

Trimming . . .

I like to find one just so we may play and not necessarily attempt to convert to the SMOOTHIE LifeStyle! What say yee? It is a tremendous hobby. If you make an error . . . allow for a few days and try AGAIN!! Please forward feedback and kibitz . . ....