
Tug of war

Today I had a nude visitor. A lace was tied round both our balls and we had a tug of war. He won!

Ball bashing

I saw photos of ball bashing. A man was naked,chained by hands and feetto a lamp post facing out with a sign above him saying please bash my balls. He was wearing a pair of nipple clamps linked by a light chain. Another man was naked and chained in...

Swinging balls

How many of us have balls so lose they swing as we walk ( like the group photo)?

Full Balls

Heres a pic of my balls, rather full at the moment

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even or lopsided balls

well we have some balls that are tight and some hang to they're knees ( oh how i wish ) or somewhere in between but when they hang do they hang even or lopsided - one ball hangs lower than the other and if so is it noticeable ?

Balls getting squeezed

I love it when my ball are squeezed or smashed during sex. While jerking, getting jerked, being sucked, etc. anybody else??

saline injected in balls

anyone have saline injected into they ball sack i'm kinda intrigued by some of the pictures i've seem , does it last or is it a temporary thing, some pictures i've seem are the size of a baseball and the dick is as small as mine which...

Lets here from the ladies

Whats your favorite thing to do with a Mans balls .!.

Kynodesme Strap

I love wearing a kynodesme penis strap. This holds the cock up against your belly completely exposing your balls. It feels sooo great. The air on your balls and having them the focus is exciting. Anyone else find this erotic?

sweaty sticky balls

it unbearable hot here already and i stay nude at home much cooler than being clothed but i notice my sac sticks to my thighs and if i'm sitting or laying down the are actually sucked in so when i get up my sac don't hang but are stuck like...