First Time to a Sex Club: What You Should Know

First Time to a Sex Club: What You Should Know

Whether it's a place to meet others in the lifestyle or just something to tick off your bucket list, going to a sex club can be an adventure you'd like to experience. Will it be your own Disneyland, full of playmates and fun, or will it be a lesson in disappointment? And what will you need to prepare for this excitement? As with anything else in the world, you'll get out of it what you put in. And there's a little left to chance as well.

Prepare Your Expectations

Most sex and swingers clubs are well run, clean, and safe. You can go by yourself, as a couple, or as a group. Single men are charged the most, followed by couples, and single women are the least expensive (and sometimes free). Typically, you'll need to buy an annual membership as well as pay for that day's entry, so you can expect $50 or more out of pocket. Once inside, the club should have a bar (with or without alcohol, according to your area's liquor laws) to purchase refreshments. Some clubs even have free pizza available at midnight.

While you should be clean and have protection at the ready, most swingers and sex clubs have condoms and showers available. Housecleaners are on hand to tidy rooms in between guests, putting down fresh sheets and making sure the next couple or group has a clean setting (be sure to have cash for tips!). You may also find lockers, a pool table, darts, television (usually with adult fare), a stripper's pole, and various seating areas.

Know Your Limits

Before making your foray into a sex club, know what your personal limits are or, if you're part of a couple, what's okay for the two of you. Some couples visit sex clubs to only have sex with each other, choosing to put on an exhibitionist display. Some are looking for a specific type of person or people to connect with, and others are just looking for the voyeur experience instead of having sex. Most things will get the thumbs-up at a sex club, but you need to make it right for you. If for any reason you feel unsafe, leave. You should never feel threatened or coerced into doing anything that feels uncomfortable, and you and your partner(s) should make that point clear at the very beginning.

The Rules

Every sex club will have some ground rules, so check with the club to see what's okay. Some clubs have areas reserved for couples, for example. You might hear that an exposed penis needs to have a condom on it (we can only assume this is for easier cleanup). And safety is pretty important at sex clubs. Although S&M are fine when consensual, violence is unacceptable. When any party wants to end an encounter, the staff will support that person, going so far as to asking the offensive person to leave. The staff will also be sure that single men aren't too pushy or close to others when they're taking care of themselves.

Have Fun

The bottom line here is to enjoy your trip to a sex club. Life is too short to not have fun, so enjoy and let whatever happens happen. At least you'll have a good story!

Tags : Sex Club, Lifestyle, Swinging, Swapping, Swinger, Exhibitionist, Voyeur, Sex

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  • Since GF moved away for professional reasons, I have found no one else to take her place and as a result I'm not interested in being a so called single male at any of these probably expensive sex clubs. My only interest is to see a side of life that I have never seen before for both personal and professional reasons that perhaps I might write about at some future date. Right now it's a moot issue because of GF issue and financial worries. I did work in the porn industry many years ago in New Jersey.
    • I have heard of a place in Orlando called Club Relate. Anybody been there?
      • It is within acceptability for myself and others with similar interests and motivations. RalphJames
        • both jack and i are close on this we have been in soft swing with friends nude dancing switch partners touch fingers kiss but no penetration with the others we both firmly believe swinging is for us
          • We always wish to be in club and have that dream that is good article for good knowledge
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